Sekedar menambahkan bbrp kegiatan yg bisa dilakukan guru dikelas untk membangun positive learning climate @KerjaKreatif #creativeteaching
1. Create an advertisement for a magazine or newspaper #creativeteaching
2. Make up test questions #creativeteaching
3. Rename an object #creativeteaching
4. Create a puzzle #creativeteaching
5.Solve a puzzle #creativeteaching
6.Create a classified advertisement #creativeteaching
6. Rewrite a story #creativeteaching
7.Analyze a television show #creativeteaching
8.Create a time capsule #creativeteaching
9.Write an autobiographical sketch #creativeteaching
10. Translate something into english or into another language #creativeteaching
11. Create and wear a badge or button #creativeteaching
12. Create a scrapbook #creativeteaching @pengajarmuda
13. Hold a banquet #creativeteaching
14. Make a timeline #creativeteaching
15. Write a biography #creativeteaching
16. Create a treasure chest #creativeteaching
17. Invent a board game #creativeteaching
18. Make a chart #creativeteaching
19. Make a sculpture #creativeteaching
21. Design a bumper sticker #creativeteaching
22. Write a caption #creativeteaching
23. Make a mosaic #creativeteaching
24. Hold a treasure hunt #creativeteaching
25. Make a collage #creativeteaching
26. Host a talk show #creativeteaching
27. Create a wall of fame #creativeteaching
28. Draw a comic strip #creativeteaching cc @motulz @akademiberbagi
29. Stage a mock trial #creativeteaching
30. Write a commercial for radio or tv or youtube #creativeteaching
31. Write a memo #creativeteaching @ramadoni
32. Design a computer program #creativeteaching
33. Have a panel discussion #creativeteaching
34. Enter a contest #creativeteaching
34. Publish a cookbook #creativeteaching
35. Cook food from another culture #creativeteaching cc @meibatubara
36. Make a broschure #creativeteaching
37. Design costumes #creativeteaching
38. Debate an issue #creativeteaching
39. Produce a childrens book #creativeteaching cc @roniyuzirman
40. Volunteer your service #creativeteaching cc @wdanoe
41. Be a critic sesuatu yg jarang diajarkan di kelas #creativeteaching cc @jamilazzaini
42. Invent a dialogue #creativeteaching
43. Demonstrate how to do anything #creativeteaching
44. Write an expose #creativeteaching
45. Hold a fair #creativeteaching
46. Invent a new school cheer #creativeteaching
47. Write a first hand report #creativeteaching
48. Entertain invited guests #creativeteaching
49. Put on a talent show #creativeteaching
50. Make a flash cards #creativeteaching
51. Make a flip book #creativeteaching
52. Write a parody #creativeteaching cc @WahyuLiz
53. Make a tabloid newspaper #creativeteaching
54. Create a class year book #creativeteaching
55. Set up your own art gallery #creativeteaching
56. Conduct a survey #creativeteaching
57. Create grafitti wall #creativeteaching cc @mybothsides
58. Write a letter to a well known person #creativeteaching
59. Illustrate a book #creativeteaching
60. Interview someone #creativeteaching
Lanjutan seri #creativeteaching cc @KerjaKreatif @pengajarmuda @jsit_indonesia
61. Invent a better way #creativeteaching
62. Write letter to the editor #creativeteaching
63. Sing a song #creativeteaching
64. Send a message in a bottle he he jadi inget filmnya #creativeteaching
65. Create a class newsletter inget ahmad fuadi #creativeteaching
66. Make a map ini cikal bakal kecerdasan spasial on 4square #creativeteaching cc @nukman
67. Stage a play or class skit..biasanya jadi aktor or aktris besarny #creativeteaching
68. Write the first installment of a novel di indonesia sepertinya gak ada nih #creativeteaching
69. Observe unusual holiday ..unik bgt nih #creativeteaching
70. Paint a picture #creativeteaching
71. Stage an academic olympics #creativeteaching
72. Write to a pen pal or email #creativeteaching
73. Make a sketch book #creativeteaching
74. Take photographs. #creativeteaching
76. Plan a journey #creativeteaching @KerjaKreatif
77. Hold a press conference ..sdh diajarin toh sejak kecil #creativeteaching @KerjaKreatif
78. Hold a recognition ceremony..nice #creativeteaching @KerjaKreatif
79. Create a shadowbox #creativeteaching
80. Make up a questionnaire..coba perhatikan cara anak anak muda sekarang bertanya? #creativeteaching
81. Produce a puppet show ..anak belajar seni pertunjukan dan terlibat sbg sutradara #creativeteaching @KerjaKreatif
82. Create internet/tv show ..lebih dekat dgn dunia dan kemajuan teknologi #creativeteaching
83. Invent a game diajarin juga loh caranya walau sederhana #creativeteaching
84. Make a flip chart #creativeteaching
85. Decorate a bulletin board…biasanya bakat jadi creative media/periklanan #creativeteaching
86. Create a radio show..ta.da keren bgt membuka wawasan dan tantangan baru ke siswa #creativeteaching
87. Read a book aloud..pernahkah kita diajarin ini? #creativeteaching @KerjaKreatif
88. Design a t shirt activity nih #creativeteaching
89. Role a play situation ..kapan terakhir kita bermain nih #creativeteaching
90. Make a tape recording ..nah kalau ini sering disekolah anakku #creativeteaching
91. Hold an auction mantap #creativeteaching
92. Make a public service announcement..wah lucu nih pastinya #creativeteaching
Sekian dulu sharing #creativeteaching yang kurang jelas terbuka sesi tanya jawan he he thanks buat @KerjaKreatif isya kemasjid dulu
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